I’ve learned a new (old) song lately: The Cat Came Back. Here is the first verse and chorus as I learned it:
The Cat Came Back
By Harry S. MillerOld Mister Johnson had troubles of his own
He had a yellow cat that wouldn’t leave his home
He tried and he tried to give the cat away
He gave it to a man going far awayBut the cat came back the very next day
The cat came back
They thought it was a goner
But the cat came back
It just wouldn’t stay away
The song was written over a hundred years ago and was described as “A comic negro absurdity.” It’s been modified pretty heavily for today’s audience and to make it (sort of) appropriate as a children’s song.
You can find many different versions of the lyrics, but the main idea has stayed the same: Mister Johnson has a cat that won’t go away, no matter what he does.
I know how he feels. I have a yellow cat too.
It’s this idea: individuals can make the world better, and I might be able to help them figure out what to do and how to do it.
This blog and all the plans I have to expand it and connect it to people is my yellow cat. I’ve had it for many years, and while I’ve had to ignore it for periods of time and have actually tried to get rid of it once or twice, it aways comes back.
Do you have a yellow cat?