You as a verb

In his book, I Seem To Be a Verb, Fuller talked about himself, not as a thing — a noun, but as a verb, an action, an evolutionary process. 

We’re always changing. All matter is in constant motion at the atomic level. You are also moving and changing at the cellular level and in the many processes your body carries out every day. The same is true for your brain. It’s constantly reshaping as you learn new things or reinforce old patterns.

There is no unchanging version of you, so you might as well make decisions about how you want to change.

A personal trainer told me once that you’re either getting stronger or you’re getting weaker. There are a lot of choice we make like that. 

Today would you choose to be more open-minded? Kinder? More generous? More curious? Or would you rather be going the other direction?

Jim Applegate

Jim Applegate

Broomfield, CO