Wanna work together?

I’m still trying to figure out how to write to this blog every day, and I’ve realized that it all comes down to my relationship with you.

I consider myself a comprehensive thinker, but I’m not even 100% sure what that is. My problems start when I try to imagine myself some kind of expert. Then I think I have to have all the answers.

I’m not an expert. I’m just like you except that (maybe) I’ve been thinking about this stuff a little longer.

What I’m really looking for is a collaborative relationship. I want to be part of a conversation about how we, as individuals, can make a meaningful difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

Here’s what I think I know so far:

Comprehensive Thinking: If we can see the world more comprehensively, we can find better solutions for how to make our world work for everyone. At the core of that idea is the concept that each of us has a personal universe that we can strengthen and in the process become better comprehensive thinkers. For me, comprehensive thinking is roughly equivalent to what Buckminster Fuller called “comprehensive anticipatory design science.”

Vision for the Future: Comprehensive thinking is like any tool: it can be used for good or for evil, so we need a shared vision of where we want to go. I’ve tried to create that in the form of patterns for a world that works for all humanity. 

Collaboration and Communication: Traditionally, to contribute to an effort, you’ve either had to get a job with the organization doing the work, donate money to that organization, or volunteer for that organization doing fairly unskilled tasks. I’ve wanted to find a mechanism where we can all contribute according to our best skills and on our own time. That has lead me to the idea of Open Artifacts. An open artifact project is like an open source software project, but it’s not limited to software.

These are the big ideas I’m trying to put out into the world.

If any of these spark your imagination, please send me an email and let’s talk.

Jim Applegate

Jim Applegate

Broomfield, CO