The great laboratory

If the United States of America is the great experiment, then the world is the great laboratory. Over thousands of years it has been the site of millions of experiments, large and small, all looking for the secrets to success on planet Earth.

Languages, machines, governments, laws, materials, slavery, institutions, foods, weapons, wars, poetry, marriage, stories… all attempts to help our ancestors, and those they loved, survive and thrive in an inhospitable, dangerous and much more powerful planet.

We’ve learned a lot from these experiments, yet strangely, we often fail to heed the lessons.

We may finally be in a position where we know so much that we can make everyone on the planet, and the planet itself, successful! But we have to be willing to re-learn. We have to be willing to discard ideas and traditions where they are holding us back.

We have to be willing to throw away the failed experiments.

Jim Applegate

Jim Applegate

Broomfield, CO