Steps for moving forward

I’m playing catch-up a lot these days.

Before I met my wife and started having kids, I spent a lot of my time thinking about how to create a World that works for all humanity, but I lost ground over the last 18 years or so.

I’ve been reading Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think by Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler, and honestly, I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed. There are so many abundance-related projects and trends going on that it’s difficult for me to process it all. I like to think that I’m a big picture guy, a comprehensivist, so I find myself frustrated that I can’t integrate all this new information into my thinking right away.

The truth is, very few of us could. Integrating new information takes time and effort, so I’ve written the steps below to remind myself that I shouldn’t try to rush the process. As long as I stay engaged and move forward each day, I will get where I want to be soon enough.

Here are the steps. This is a daily cycle that I’ve used in the past. It ensures that my Personal Universe will expand and eventually encompass everything in Abundance and any other books I read.

  1. Challenge. Spend some time each day challenging your Personal Universe. This can take the form of reading, or connecting with others in my community with opposing or clarifying ideas.
  2. Integrate. Process what you’re learning into your Personal Universe. In the past, that meant writing in my journal. Now, I write blog articles and build other tools. It forces me to put the ideas into my own words and make important connections.
  3. Communicate. It’s important that I communicate what I think I’ve learned to others. Perhaps it will help them challenge their own Personal Universes. New tools or writing won’t help anyone unless I publish.
Jim Applegate

Jim Applegate

Broomfield, CO