One of the rights we enjoy in the U.S. and in many other parts of the world is the right to self-determination. We have the right to make our own choices and decide what we do without interference from others.
There’s a difference, however, between having a right and exercising it.
I think if I asked twenty people randomly if they were self-determining (and perhaps offered a definition), they would most likely all say “yes”. But we’re bombarded all the time by forces trying to sway us, or convince us to think or act a certain way.
Something as a simple and familiar as an ad on TV is trying to interfere with (a.k.a influence) our decisions. Politicians are all about getting us to join their side in the latest controversy or issue.
I think it takes a measure of self-discipline to exercise your right to be self-determining. You have to be able to recognize when you’re being interfered with, treat the interference with skepticism, do additional research, and come to your own conclusions.
It takes effort and determination, but it’s worth it.