Any time we try to communicate to others something we know, we assemble our knowledge into a kind of package that we hope will make it easier for the recipient to understand our perspective.
Common packages include stories, essays, blog articles, books, videos, scientific papers, podcasts, and even advertisements.
We are all consumers of packaged knowledge, and it’s allowed us to build great civilizations. It allows us to pass our knowledge to each other and on to other generations.
If you want to do your own thinking, though, it’s good to be aware of the packages you’re consuming. Some packages are designed to inform and some are designed to persuade and even deceive. The difference is in how they present their conclusions.
For example, the author of a scientific paper is trying to be clear and up-front about their arguments so you can reach your own conclusions. Of course, they have conclusions of their own, but they also offer counter-arguments and list possible ways their conclusions could be wrong.
Contrast that with someone trying to convince you to buy something, join their side in a political argument, or support their cause. They will likely offer a one-sided argument, leaving out important contradicting ideas (except to ridicule them) in an attempt to make your choice seem clear and simple. They aren’t trying to help you make an informed decision or develop your own thinking. They’re hoping that you’ll accept their arguments and conclusions as a whole, without thinking too hard about them.
They want you to let them do your thinking for you.
Be wary of pre-packaged conclusions. Not everyone has your best interests in mind. If you want to take the time to deconstruct their argument, that might be useful, but be careful not to simply accept it without serious critical thought.