Our Earth, even with its Goldilocks conditions that make life possible, can be a
hard place to survive.
Plants and animals have adapted in many ways to this reality. Humans responded
by inventing
The internet is a network, made up of numerous sub-networks or subnets.
Getting away from the technical implementation of that, our systems of truth are
also subnets of the larger conversations going on.
You can’t solve a complex problem on your first try. It’s an iterative process.
Ideally, we rethink the problem again and again, building better solutions each
time, and each time, bringing
Saying that you want to make the world better, or make a difference, or do
something important, is too vague.
It’s safe because it doesn’t hold you to any measurable goal,
People talk about saving the world, but it doesn’t need saving. The world is a
system of systems that humanity has put in place over millennia. It operates as
we designed it,