The information we consume matters. Just like with food, we are what we eat.
What do you take in each day? How much is news? How much is entertainment? How
much actually educates
Right now, it’s not very clear how you would go about taking up a hobby like
I’m looking for ways— the Open Artifacts Initiative []
is an important
The next fifteen years are going to be a ride.
When you look at all the game-changing technologies that on the verge of going
mainstream, it can be mind-boggling. Combine that with the
A couple weeks ago, I complained about a page on the U.N.’s Sustainable
Development Goals website [].
This kind of guide is pretty common,
To me, the phrase “human weakness” has the same meaning as “being human”.
We each have different capabilities. Whether we consider those capabilities
strengths or weaknesses depends on the circumstances.
Sometimes massive muscles