The news bombards us with all the things going wrong in the World, with all the problems we face. And we often frame the problems in terms of opposing sides: us against them.
We’re looking for where to place the blame, I suppose.
In college, I blamed the generations before me (especially my parents) for messing up the World so badly. I thought it was irresponsible of them to make us dependent on fossil fuels and turn a blind eye to the industries polluting the rivers and lakes.
Now, I see problems differently, in a way that I think is more true. It’s reflected in the words of John Lennon, in his song “Watching the Wheels”:
“People ask me questions, lost in confusion. / I tell them there’s no problem, only solutions.”
What we call problems are the unexpected side effects of solutions created by people just like us, trying to make the World better. Solutions that have gotten out of control.
It’s a shift in perspective that turns blame into gratitude for the good intentions of those who came before us, people trying to create a better World for their children. In many cases, the problems are caused by the tremendous success of their solutions like the adoption of cars over horses or the widespread use of electricity.
Next time you’re looking at a problem, even something as emotionally charged a social injustice, try to imagine how good intentions might be contributing to it.