You’ll notice that certain themes and ideas come up again and again in this blog. That’s intentional.
I’m attempting to build and communicate a complex structure of ideas that are interconnected in multiple ways. In order to do that using short, daily blog posts, I need to include enough context that it’s clear how the ideas are connected.
An idea like “memory”, for example, is complicated and has many aspects. I might talk about the cultural and emotional significance we give to memories, or the way that cognitive science defines memory, or how memories change the more we access them. These ideas are all connected, and I may need to mention the fragility of memory over and over to make those connections explicit.
You might imagine it as a spherical web of interconnected ideas. You can’t see every side of a sphere at one time; to get a complete look at it, you have to rotate it around and look at it from different perspectives. The more ways you look at it, the more you understand how it’s put together.
When I repeat things, I’m trying to be clear about how I’ve rotated the sphere and what perspective I’m looking from so it’s more clear how things connect.
Please let me know if I get it wrong by sending me an email.