Get specific

Saying that you want to make the world better, or make a difference, or do something important, is too vague.

It’s safe because it doesn’t hold you to any measurable goal, but it’s also almost impossible to prove to yourself or others that you’ve succeeded: that you’ve made the world better, made a difference, etc.

It’s a common thing in business to say that your goals should be S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. That’s what we’re trying to get to when we talk about creating a world that works for all humanity, where everyone lives at a high standard of living and no one has advantage at the expense of another or the planet.

Its not a goal, because it’s still too vague. It’s a place from which you can launch S.M.A.R.T. goals. Just specific enough to get to work, but general enough for a lifetime of projects.

Jim Applegate

Jim Applegate

Broomfield, CO