I’m struggling a bit with a core idea of this blog.
The idea is pretty simple, and you’ve probably heard it before: you need to start with yourself if you hope to make any meaningful improvement in your life or the world. Gandhi talked about being the change you want to see in the world. Michael Jackson wrote about starting with the man in the mirror.
But starting with yourself sounds so wishy washy, granola, hippy or whatever dismissive term you want to call it.
Here’s the thing: I’m not talking about the traditional “get in touch with who you are, and make yourself an example of some utopian ideal, living the perfect low-impact life so you can’t be accused of hypocrisy” kind of start-with-yourself philosophy.
It’s more like, “if you’re going to try and make big changes in this world, you damn-well better make sure you have the insight and power to do it right. Don’t wimp out on half-measures. Make yourself into a world-changing force to be reckoned with.”
To move humanity forward, you must be able to pierce the fog of apathy and hopelessness, created by people with cynical agendas, and see the world clearly. You need the power to find truth in a world where conflict, being right at all costs, and oneupmanship are considered far more important. And you need the ability to communicate that truth to others.
It’s a tough world out there. We need bad-ass truth finders and problem solvers who can lead others out of their ignorance and infighting and help them to see that we can all succeed if we only choose that path.
That’s closer to what I’m trying to say.