When I was a kid, it was possible to avoid thinking too much if that’s what you
wanted. I knew people who had the radio or TV playing all the time and
I used to worry that I was too accommodating. I feared that others were taking
advantage of my good nature and I wasn’t standing up for my rights. In January
of 1998,
I’ve always been a laid-back guy. I don’t tend to take things personally or let
people get under my skin. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt if
Of course they will. They’re growing up in a different world than I did:
different tools, different opportunities, different dangers, and “different” is
happening more quickly every day.
There will be different
I think there’s a good chance that I’ve been dealing with ADHD since I was kid.
That’s a bit of a concern right now for several reasons, but one in