Any time we try to communicate to others something we know, we assemble our
knowledge into a kind of package that we hope will make it easier for the
recipient to understand our
I’m struggling a bit with a core idea of this blog.
The idea is pretty simple, and you’ve probably heard it before: you need to
start with yourself if you hope
To strengthen your personal universe, you have to challenge it, and there are at
least two different kinds of challenges that make it stronger.
The first is the kind of challenge that questions
“Making a difference”, “saving the world”, “doing something meaningful”… however
you think about the big things in life that you want to do, they can seem
daunting. They can also seem pretty vague.
The secret to finding some way to contribute to a better world is to look at
where You and your Knowledge of the World overlap.
The You part is your personality and natural