“There are kids starving in Africa.”
Many of us heard some variation of this when we were kids. The joke is, many of
us thought that the garbage disposal sent the food we
This is an expansion of the “Finding the want [https://www.jimapplegate.com/2018/09/29/finding-the-want/]”
When you say “I have to”, you mean
1. You don’t really enjoy it,
Capitalism is a powerful tool for creating change, but it may not be the best
tool available for creating progress. Not without careful rethinking.
As I’ve said before, change does not necessarily
If you want to see the world clearly, you have to be willing to throw away
everything you think you know. Otherwise, you’ll end up creating
rationalizations around the parts you’re
It’s common for politicians to look for and even manufacture enemies.
Enemies unite us in opposition and give us a reason to ignore our differences.
We can react to them with power