I think there’s a good chance that I’ve been dealing with ADHD since I was kid.
That’s a bit of a concern right now for several reasons, but one in particular is on my mind: I’m trying to write a book about thinking tools that can help you strengthen your personal universe. It could be that my ways of thinking won’t make much sense to people without ADHD. It could be that the ideas that I consider revolutionary are obvious to people with more normal brains.
It’s possible, but not very likely.
In fact, it could be that my ADHD makes me the perfect person to write this book.
I have a friend who’s a natural mathematician. We’ve know each other since second grade, and I’ve always admired his abilities. Mathematical ideas seem to come easily to him, and as a kid, he often had the day’s math homework done well before class was over. You’d think that with all his knowledge, he would be a great teacher, but he could never really explain things to me in a way I could understand.
Some of the best teachers are those that teach something they’ve struggled to learn. They understand what’s tripping up their students because they’ve been there themselves. They have a natural empathy that comes from their experience.
I may well have something to say about learning, precisely because I’ve struggled with it.
You’ll have to let me know if I’m right.