We are all trying to make the world better… for someone. Even if it’s just for ourselves.
If you have a family, you might branch out to try to make their world better as well. And for some, it keeps going from there: to your neighborhood, your community, your city, state, country and ultimately the world.
It’s a matter of scale, and that scale is going to be limited by who you believe should succeed. If you see the existing imbalances and inequities in our world as a natural condition and a sign that the “right people” are succeeding, then your scale will be small and limited to your own family and friends.
If you see the inequities as artificial and something that needs to be rebalanced, then working to bring that about for all people in all places makes sense and is a moral imperative.
So it’s a matter of scale and how you understand freedom. Is freedom for everyone or an elite few?