100 questions to ask yourself

Your personal universe is big and it contains many assumptions and ideas that you take for granted. Here are 100 questions that you can ask yourself to shake things up a bit.

  1. What do we mean by “universe”?
  2. What do we mean by “world” and how is it distinct from our planet Earth?
  3. What services does Earth provide to our world?
  4. Who created the world we live in now?
  5. Is it possible for an individual to make the world better?
  6. What does it mean to make the world better?
  7. What is money?
  8. Why does having money matter?
  9. Under what conditions does money become useless?
  10. Why are human beings required to “earn a living” or earn their right to live when every other plant and animal on the planet just lives?
  11. What are scarcity and abundance?
  12. What is doing more with less? How does it affect scarcity?
  13. Do we create artificial scarcities?
  14. Can a digitized item (like a song or movie) be scarce?
  15. If you had a machine that could make just about anything (like a replicator in Star Trek), what would you count as your personal possessions?
  16. Do we have any machines like that now?
  17. Who or what creates change?
  18. Is change the same as progress?
  19. Is it better to embrace change or fight it?
  20. What is a tool?
  21. What is thinking?
  22. What does thinking look like?
  23. When do you let other people do your thinking for you?
  24. What is design?
  25. What is design thinking?
  26. What is the purpose of business?
  27. Is capitalism a natural system?
  28. Why do some people make jobs and other people have jobs?
  29. Do some people have advantages over other people?
  30. What advantages do you have over others?
  31. What is discrimination?
  32. Can you be discriminated for as well as being discriminated against?
  33. What is power?
  34. Does great responsibility really come with great power?
  35. Do some people live at the expense of other people? Who?
  36. What is a nation?
  37. What is race?
  38. What is success?
  39. Is it natural that some people are successful and others are not?
  40. What is wealth?
  41. Is there an upper limit to monetary wealth? Could we all be billionaires?
  42. What is the common wealth?
  43. What is knowledge?
  44. What makes a trusted source of knowledge?
  45. What does it mean to not know something?
  46. What does it mean to be wrong?
  47. What is synergy?
  48. What is differentiation?
  49. What is integration?
  50. What does it mean to have an integrated mind?
  51. What does it mean to have a flexible mind?
  52. What is justice?
  53. Why do we have laws?
  54. What is fairness?
  55. What is industry?
  56. How is craft different than industry?
  57. Why are the arts valuable?
  58. What is conservative?
  59. What is liberal?
  60. What is responsibility?
  61. How would things change if energy were cheap and abundant?
  62. What do we mean by standard of living?
  63. What was a medieval king’s standard of living compared to yours?
  64. Is it better to make yourself irreplaceable or obsolete?
  65. Do people change?
  66. Do people improve?
  67. What is marketing?
  68. Is everything “natural” good for you?
  69. Is everything “synthetic” bad for you?
  70. Are we born good or bad?
  71. What is the average person? Is anyone actually average?
  72. What is a “normal” person?
  73. What is mental illness?
  74. Are emotions a good source of knowledge? What kinds of knowledge?
  75. Can we all agree on anything?
  76. Are humans evolving? Toward what?
  77. What is freedom?
  78. What is innovation?
  79. Do limits destroy or enhance innovation?
  80. What does it mean to own something?
  81. What is love?
  82. What is hate?
  83. Are love and hate feelings? Actions? Decisions?
  84. What is physical?
  85. What is metaphysical?
  86. What is the purpose of religion?
  87. Do human beings have a special function or role in universe?
  88. What does it mean to be a good parent?
  89. How can we avoid passing our own limitations on to our children?
  90. What is learning?
  91. What is teaching?
  92. What are values?
  93. What are your values?
  94. It’s said that the world has a lot of problems. What do we mean by “problem”?
  95. Who is to blame?
  96. What is security?
  97. Is the world getting better or worse?
  98. Who is it getting better or worse for?
  99. Is war inevitable?
  100. Is peace inevitable?
Jim Applegate

Jim Applegate

Broomfield, CO